Take a Minute
Mindfulness & Meditation series
led by John Baitsell Jr C.C.A.R., C.S.C., C.L.C.
Nov 28: Exploring the benefits of starting a meditation and mindfulness practice. We will talk about how to ground and center yourself to reduce your triggered responses to people, places and things.
Dec 5: Release Reorganize and Reframe your world by elevating your consciousness so you can see things from a different perspective
Dec 12: Live Better-Set Smart Goals before the new year.
Dec 19: Navigating the Holidays with grace. The holidays can be stressful for all of us. We will talk about family dynamics and how to set boundaries. The biggest gift you can give your friends and family is your presence.
Sessions are approx 1 hour
Capacity is limited
member: $100
non member: $140
For more information, contact John at johnthelistener@gmail.com
Register on the SMC app or by e-mailing Kathleen at kgoldring@sawmillclub.com